A farmer reared an elephant in a village. The elephant was looked after by the servant of the farmer. When the elephant is hungry, the farmer unties it to graze in the garden.
When it comes out of grazing, he ties it up and goes home. Every day, the elephant untangles the trunk and smashes the crops, sugarcane and banana in the neighboring garden and eats them. This was being done every day. Seeing this, the villagers were afraid of how to tell the farmer that he would get angry.
If someone goes and tells the farmer, he will get angry and chase him away. The elephant was causing trouble for a long time and the people of the village were stunned and did not know what to do.
Then an old farmer from the neighboring village came towards that town. He saw that all the people were sad. The old man asked why everyone is so upset. The people of that town told the elder everything that had happened.
Do as the old man tells me and when the elephant comes into your garden you all tie the elephant and pull it with a chain. After that I will take care. All the people of the village were afraid that the farmer was so angry that he would not let us live if we tied the elephant and dragged it here.
Seeing this, the servant of the farmer went to the farmer and told him. He said, “Sir, all the people of the village have tied our elephant to a banyan tree. Come immediately.” Immediately the farmer became very angry. He asked to bring all the villagers there. The farmer’s servant goes there and says that the farmer has asked to bring you all.
Immediately the old man went to the farmer’s house with the servant saying that none of you should come, I am coming. On seeing the old man, the farmer got very angry and asked why are you tying my elephant to the banyan tree.
Your elephant asked us to get married so we are looking for a female elephant and for that we have tied up your elephant.
Soon the farmer was sitting in a horse-drawn cart and coming to the place where the elephant was tied. When he came, he looked around and saw all the crops like bananas and coconuts smashed. It was only after seeing that that the farmer understood why they were keeping our elephant tied up. After that, realizing his mistake, he gave a lot of gold and material as compensation to those who had destroyed everything in the garden. With that, people happily started farming again.
The farmer asked the servant to take the elephant to the garden and tie it well.